Thank You!
To everyone who has helped and contributed to our World Food Day Collection. The count down is on...with only a few days left. We have been asked by a few participants to extend our deadline by just a few days since the collection ends on a Sunday. So we have extended our efforts until October 20th, which is a Thursday. So donations can be dropped off at any of the places on our list ..or if you know me- on my porch!
I would also like to encourage every one to share the news of our logo contest. We are in dire need of a logo! So please re-post the contest info to help us generate more designs and participation. The prize is Our Overwhelming Thanks and Appreciation....Recognition Online.....and Good Karma Points!!!
Plus we are starting to collect items for assembling military care packages. Click on the "Operation Shoebox" link on our home page. We are looking for places to join our efforts in hosting a collection bin.