Operation: Send Some Cheer

Send Some Cheer
Click Here for Website

Come Visit Our NEW Location
at  2546 Route 57, Stewartsville.
Rossini's Racing Products 
have donated the use of their storefront that faces the highway for us to continue our efforts making it a

Donations will be accepted
                                         by Appointment

Times slots can be scheduled for groups looking to participate in assembly. We'll try to accommodate your regular meeting times if we can.

To get organized we are looking for shelves to use. Book Shelves or storage shelves that are self standing, not wall mounted. If anybody has any extra laying around that we could borrow- we sure would love that!! Just send me a message at allforhelping@ymail.com. 

I'd like to extend a huge " Thank You" to Mike and Elaine for giving us the green light and Chris and Ron for rallying!! Thanks so much!!!