Every time I go to a store, I try to play my coupon game. It truly becomes a "game" to see how much I can get for "Free" to donate. It takes a little bit of preparation before heading to the store, but when I'm walking out with a bag full of items and only paid sales tax, it truly makes it worth my while.
So I start each shopping trip's plan with a visit to couponmom.com. She explains a variety of ways to organize your weekly coupons, some without pre-clipping them, to get you started if you have never couponed before. The site also hosts a ton of coupon to store match ups, so I can see the best deals all in a glance.
After printing my list and attaching the matched coupons, I visit another site- livingrichwithcoupons.com. Then again, I browse by selected store, and print my list (or I just hand jot it down on the other sites list,so I only have one).The site living rich with coupons, just became my favorite coupon site. It offers really good printable coupons right on the site and they're super easy to navigate to.
As I'm assembling my list, I mentally sort where each piece is going after it's been purchased. Such as toiletries that are full size- the food bank or shelter, travel size items- troop care packages or homeless care bags, small packaged food items- troop care packages or homeless care bags, regular size groceries- food bank, and so on.
Target allows the use of a manufacture coupon and a store coupon- which you can print from their website. That equals a ton more savings! Both coupon sites listed above have the match-ups listed for easy viewing. I just learned that Wal Mart's site has coupons too. They don't offer store coupons though, just manufacturers only. I'm sure there are a ton of other coupon sites as well, so use what you're comfortable with. I recommend if you're new to pick one store and focus on that until you comfortable, couponing is wonderful, but can be overwhelming in the beginning because there's such an abundance of deals out there. So start small so you don't get discouraged and quit.
Coupons really work and by making it a game, turns it into fun!
Here's a few snapshots of my "almost free" items.
After using coupons, all this was only $.97 plus tax! |
After all coupons the total was only $7.98 plus tax! (2 cans of gravy & 2 suave kids products are missing photo) |
Another great idea too is when the stores send out promotional coupons. In our area Kohl's sends out $10 off any purchase quite often, so I take it and buy socks, or chapsticks, or gloves to put in my bins. JCPenny recently just sent out the same promotion- so I'll be doing the same. I know Bon Ton is another. It's amazing how much "Free" money adds up and is given out. Why not give back to the community and use it in another way.
Many times the store coupons are the ones forgotten on the kitchen table or desk, and you wind up throwing them in the trash. So if you generally don't use these kind of coupons and you're used to paying the price without them for your own items, then I encourage you to keep doing that.Focus on these types of coupons for charitable giving. This way you look at them differently, than saving for yourself. Look at them as an opportunity to make someone else happy! I know with the Holiday's approaching "Giving Trees" will be popping up all over with wish lists for local families in need. What a perfect opportunity to learn couponing for a good cause. Think of it as " the store gave you money to use for good- not yourself" and have fun trying to get as many items as you can, or score a good deal, however you need to see it to do it!
I also recommend purchasing a small coupon folder to carry in your purse or car. Then organize it to have a slot to house- "Free" store coupons (such as $10 off $10 purchase), Grocery store A's coupons and list, Grocery store B's coupons and list, Store C's coupons and list, and so on. This way when your out, you're always prepared for saving and helping! Or, if you're up to it, create a "coupon binder". Here's an amazing link on how to:
You can even get in the habit of keeping a few reusable bags in your trunk, most stores give a credit for each bag used. So you'll save some cash, and do the environment some good!
I keep getting asked what to do next with the "free" stuff. Many stores have bins right when you walk in for donations supporting some cause. If you're not sure where to bring your items, don't have room in your home, or just the thought of keeping extra stuff in your living quarters freaks you out, that's a great starting place. Everything donated goes somewhere to be used for good.
What I do though, is keep a few small tote bins in my house to put the collected items in. Each one houses a different cause that I'm working on, so it's easy to use them when needed. It's amazing how quickly they fill. It not only is appreciated by the recipient, it also makes a lasting impact on my children to see how easy it is to help make a difference.
I hope I have inspired you to play along in the Coupon Game and feel the joy of giving back to the community! Happy Clipping all! Feel free to share your success stories in the comments section, or visit the community chat area located at the end of the home page.