These cards were created to print and assemble to send to the Troops.
They are also great to give to family, friends, co-workers, teachers, or anyone special. The first two style cards need to be fed through the printer twice so the inside and outside of the card gets printed. I always print the inside first, then the outside, so the main picture doesn't get smudged.
This one " Snowy Thoughts" is for little ones to color.
The inside says: " In hopes you have a wonderful Holiday! Thanks for all you do!"
This snowman card " Snowman Hugs" has a child hugging a snowman.
The inside reads " Holiday Hugs sent from afar! Merry Christmas!
This "Holiday Stocking Card " is a print, cut and assemble project. The finished card has a layered look and you'll need a hole punch, ribbon, scissors, and glue to create this one.
The inside says " ho-ho-hoping you have a great holiday! Thank you for all you do!
If you'd like to print these cards - email me at:
I'll send you a pdf file to use!
Hope you have fun with these cards!