This Weeks Super Coupon Page

This weeks super coupon page will be returning shortly. 
So check back often for great deals and donation 
ideas to grace our space once again!

Contest Link

We need your votes to win a contest!
Winning will:
  • Help further our Feed The Homeless initiative.
  • Gain us national spotlight on Wyndham's Women's Travel website.
  • Raise awareness of what we do- enabling us to help more people!
You can vote once a day until 3/31 from each computer, phone, tablet, etc..
It's super easy, just click the "Like" button under the "Vote for this Entry" heading by the picture. 
No sign ups, no gimmicks, takes 2 seconds. Super easy!! 

Thanks in advance for your support!!
Please share this with family and friends to increase our chances! 

We are doing awesome and are only behind 10th place by about 350 votes.
 (which is our goal, since they're picking 10 winners)
So please share this with everyone you know to help us reach our goal!!

Website Updates

Hi Friends, I wanted to share that more work as been
done on our website,

Check it out and let us know your thoughts.
 What can we do or add that would make it more beneficial to you?

 Hope everyone has a great day! I know I plan to - it's  a beautifully sunny day that awaits my enjoyment!

Sponsor A Care Package Campaign

Help ship care packages to deployed soldiers by supporting our "Sponsor A Care Package" campaign. 
We have assembled care packages that are awaiting sponsorship so they can be sent. Check it out and share with friends! 
Click Here To View Online

M & M Mars Supports Wounded Warrior Project

M & M Mars created specially packaged
M & M's to  benefit the Wounded Warrior Project. So if you see them in stores - I say "buy them". If I see them in stores- I will. If they sell them in single serve packages I might have to buy them to send to the troops via Operation: Send Some Cheer in care packages!
I think this is way cool!

We Need Your Votes!!

Friends we need your votes to win. 

We entered a contest through Wyndham with the prize being travel points and our blog featured on their website! Winning would would be a spectacular way to share what we do with others. It would also further enable us to continue working on our Feed The Homeless effort. So please click the "like" button on the contest page and be sure to share this with friends and family!! You can vote once a day until 3/31.